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If we went all socialist like the Europeans, would the amount we SAVE on healthcare pay for the military?


Yeah..  There'd be a few insurance company CEO's outta work.  I wouldn't lose any sleep over that..  Oh yeah, Etna stock would go down..  Eh?  If the trade off is EVERYBODY gets healthcare, then I'm all for it..  And, I don't mean "everybody" in the right or left wing sense.  I mean EVERYBODY..  

Plus, if it PAYS for the military, so much the better.


PS>  What?  You LIKE your socialized fire department, don't you??? You KNOW the government takeover of fire fighting put ALL the private fire fighters outta work..  OMG!   Plus, you don't have ANY choice in fire departments..  They took that away. OMG again.   Now, you only have the GOVERNMENT fire department to choose from..  OMG, thrice..

Posted - March 10, 2017


  • 1233
    Firstly European healthcare isn't really socialist. It's just the government funneling money into private run for profit corporations.

    Healthcare sucks because there aren't really any market forces to hold down prices. The system exploits people's desire to live in order to bleed them dry. There is no easy way to fix it. It's not really a question of free market vs socialism. Neither truly exist in healthcare. The choice is individualism or collectivism.

    The establishment wants collectivism because that is the basis of power and domination. Like any drug dealer the system will try to pull you in with what seems like a better deal. Though when the public has a fully developed sense of entitlement to state funded healthcare and a mentality of individualism has been destroyed, they'll raise the price far far higher. 

    You can't compare healthcare to fire departments. It's chump change in comparison to healthcare. Collectivized healthcare is a threat to liberty because of the potentially unlimited expenditure. As technology increases healthcare will get more and more elaborate and expensive. It will bankrupt the state. We have no future if you don't wake up.
      March 10, 2017 3:29 PM MST